The complaints about recruiters are well documented; “I never heard back from the guy”, “This position was completely over sold to me”, “She overstated my level of interest to her client”, “I felt pressured”.

We’ve heard them all before and honestly have made our share of "rookie mistakes" when we were starting out. That’s why on average, T2O recruiters have over twenty years of experience recruiting within the industries we serve namely, Construction, Real Estate, Banking and Finance.  

While it’s true that our clients pay our fees, we realize that before we can introduce them to you we need to gain your respect and trust and for us to do that our interaction with you must be conducted in an open, honest, straight-forward manner.

The five C's that we commit to our candidates are:


We know you’re busy and your time is greatly appreciated. We are more than happy to work around your schedule. If evenings or weekends work best for you, they work best for us too.


We consider your information to be privileged and our conversations confidential. Your information and/or identity will never be shared with a T2O client until you specifically authorize us to do so.


If you are willing to take the time to speak with us and our clients we owe you the courtesy of prompt and detailed feedback. You can expect to be fully apprised of the status of any opportunity that we explore together.


Your good judgment is probably one of the primary reasons we are talking in the first place.  At no time will we ever pressure you. If a specific opportunity isn’t right for you, then it’s not right for us or our clients either. We’ll keep in touch until the next opportunity arises.


We can be a valuable resource to you. We know your industry and have a good perspective on most employers. Whether it’s resume advice or questions relating to your own job search we would like to hear from you and are happy to help.